Attention!!! This should be update(2004). Take it just as a first indication... About drugs please consult dedicated websites!!!


40-Main drugs interaction effects

+ Cimetidine.

+ Corticosteroids

increase the plasma levels of albendazole.

+ Theophylline concurrent use is not recommended
AZT + D4T concurrent use is to avoid (antagonism)
Chloramphenicol + Clindamycin

+ Erythromycins

+ Lincomycin

concurrent use is not recommended

+ phenobarbital

+ rifampicin

decrease chloramphenicol concentrations

+ Penicillins

+ amoxy

+ cloxa..

bacteriostatic drugs interfere with the bactericidal effects of penicillins. When a rapid bactericidal effect is necessary, it is best to avoid concurrent therapy


+ Mg, Alum., Ca, Fe Decreased absorption of norflox and cipro
+ phenytoin; decrease the concentration of phenytoin; caution for patients stabilized with phenytoin

+ Theophylline

Increased theophyllin concentrations

Doxycyclin + Mg, Alum., Ca, Fe Decreased absorption of doxy

+ phenobarbital

+ Phenytoin

decreased doxycycline concentrations; adjustment of doxycycline dosage may be necessary
D4T + AZT concurrent use is to avoid (antagonism)


+ Penicillins since bacteriostatic drugs may interfere with the bactericidal effect of penicillins in situations where a rapid bactericidal effect is necessary, it is best to avoid concurrent therapy

+ Chloramphenicol

concurrent use is not recommended
+ Lincomycins concurrent use is not recommended
+ Theophylline Increased concentration of theophylline
EFV + Rifampicin Decreased 25% of EFV concentration. Adjustment of EFV is to be consider See 01-ARV protocols
fluconazole + theophylline increase concentration of theophylline
+ Benzodiazepines, clarithromycin, phenitoin, rifabutin

Fluconazole increase level of benzodiazepines, clarithromycin, phenitoin & rifabutin

+ Rifampicin, rifabutin Decreased fluco concentration. Adjustment of fluco dosage may be necessary
gentamycin + streptomycin concurrent use is not recommended
+ cloxacillin, ampicillin

No mixt in seringue

Inject genta one hour after or before ampi should be better.


+ phenitoin, digoxin, rifabutin, Theophylline

Increased phenitoin, digoxin, rifabutin & theophylin concentrations
+ Rifampicin rifabutin, phenobarbital, isoniazid, phenitoin Decreased itra concentration
Norfloxacin + Phenitoin can decrease concentration of phenytoin
+ Mg, Alum., Ca, Fe Decreased absorption of norflox
NVP ketonazol Decreased 60% of keto concentration & increased +/-20% of NVP... Avoid association as much as posible
rifampicin Decreased concentration of NVP. Adjustment of NVP must be consider if not possible to avoid the association See 01-ARV protocols
metronidazole + Alcohol Disulfiram-like effects such as abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, headache, or flushing
+ Cimetidine possibly increased serum metronidazole concentrations
+ Phenobarbital phenobarbital may decrease plasma concentration of metro

+ Phenytoin

metronidazole may increase phenytoin's plasma concentration
Rifampicin + prednisolone, dexamethasone, Decreased concentration of predni & dexa

+ Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole

Decreased concentration ketonazol & fluconazol & itraconazol. Adjustment of antimycotic dosage may be necessary

+ EFV Decreased 25% of EFV concentration. Adjustment of EFV is to be consider See 01-ARV protocols
+ NVP Decreased concentration NVP. Adjustment of NVP must be consider if not possible to avoid the association See 01-ARV protocols





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paul yves wery - &