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Here you can see a collection of prevention material (mainly "second line" material) that we made. Click this link if you want to use some of our material for your own work/campaign. It is free. See bottom of this page for instructions. We also accept to adapt our material in the language of your target (contact us).
Second line posters
"Murder", "Sin"... "Meurtre", "Péché"...
"Impotence"... "Impuissance"
"Tears"... "Larmes"
"Side effect" ... "Effets secondaires"
"survival kit" ... "Trousse de survie"
"partner" "Bon appétit!"
first line + second line posters
"Strangle the roses"... "Les roses étranglées"
"Short movies" (6-20 minutes...)
Concepts are adapted for TV broadcasting & DVD
Second line VDOs
"Tonn" (7')(Native language: Thai - Available subtitles En, Fr, Ge, Ne)
"Spouse" (7')(Native language: Thai - Available subtitles En, Fr, Ge, Ne)
"Lie" (20')(Native language: Thai - Available subtitles En, Fr, Ge, Ne)
"VDO-clips" (up to 3 minutes)
Concepts are adapted for TV broadcasting & DVD
Second line VDOs clips
"Candles"Native language is Thai - Available subtitles: Th, En, Fr, Ge
"Alcohol"Native language is Thai - Available subtitles: Th, En, Fr, Ge
"Confidence"Native language is Thai - Available subtitles: Th, En, Fr, Ge "HIV+partner"Native language is Thai - Available subtitles: Th, En, Fr, Ge
"Audio-clips" (sound only)
Concepts adapted for radio broadcasting.
Second line audioclips
"Tragic style"
"Funny style"
Articles (already publish)
If you want to use some of our prevention material
The media we offer are protected by copyright but you can use them freely if you respect 5 conditions
Not erase the logo ""
Not make commercial use of the product
Inform us of the use you will do of the product
Any edition you want to do on the product must obtain our agreement.
For translation, we will include the translated txt in the required media by ourselves as soon as we will receive the file of translation (subtitle, txt of posters, txt of booklets..)
You can find the files to download under the view of each poster (see up for links). For each poster you have many choices (A4paper, A3paper, 2metersVynil...). Try to make the right choice to obtain professional result.
If you need change language, if you have problem with the file you downloaded or if any other specific request, you can contact us at
Note about vectorial files
To use the professional "CDR" files you must use the program "CorelDraw 9" or higher
If you import the file in a program like "Adobe illustrator", you will loss a lot of quality because the finest lines will be 2 times thicker... Try to find a friend owning the program coreldraw and ask him to export your file in "EPS" format that you will open without loss of quality on your "adobe illustrator" program .
---Note that the EPS file will be more heavy but the quality will be respected for any size if you export all in vectors (option of EPS)----
To print the "CDR" file, the best way is to export first you vectors in a bitmap format (cpt or bmp or psd or tiff or even jpg... but not GIF which limit the number of colors ---> problems for gradation of colors)
Export in the size you want but in right resolution (...600 dpi for paper, 150or300 dpi for vinyl, etc... For "PowerPoint" presentation the adequate resolution is around 150 DPI... For normal monitor, only 72DPI !!!otherwise you will loss the thin lines on the monitor view!!!...)
Don't print directly from the vectorial file because those files have a lot of vectorial sub-object to calculate (10 000 or even more on many layers)... You will systematicaly have a lot of artefacts...
So export first in bitmap with size and resolution you need, without irreversible compression if possible... correct manualy the few artfacts on the bitmap program you like and go on for printing process.
Any problem? Contact us...