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Article 33/2/bb

"Dance now!"


Don't miss the right step of the dance.

It is nice to dance, great to dance, healthy to dance.especially THAT dance!

Not allowed to dance? Well. Sometimes, but not always. the important part is we must try to be good to one another: you know, polite, respectful of partners, respectful of conjugal engagement etc. In short we must always be kind and be as kind as is possible. And that's not incompatible with good dancing! If you are worried about ethical details, it would be advisable for you to consult your favourite monk, or other connoisseurs of old Thai traditions.

As a doctor, I can only give you technical information about how to respect your life and the life of your partner! If you always scrupulously observe the recommendations of good monks and Thai cultural tradition, you will not be in danger of transmitting HIV. Great! Unfortunately you are still at risk of catching HIV. That is why, I, as a doctor, recommend you follow the Thai tradition AND use a condom any time the penis enters the body! Always use a condom unless you want to have a baby! In the era of AIDS, to ask for to use a condom is not a sign of mistrust but a sign of good education. Just as importantly, it is a sign of cleverness and kindness to accept your partner's request for a condom without any discussion, even if it is your wife who asks for it.

Now, if you do not like condoms or if you do not have any, there are fortunately still so many ways to dance! Only insane, unimaginative and incompetent male partners can not get the highest pleasure without penile penetration. Look the table below .and try to imagine some others! "Safe Sex" not only allows pleasure but encourages fantasy! Only 3 steps of dance are strictly forbidden without condom.Yes, only 3! Some purists also advise not to swallow genital secretions, but this danger is so little. scientists cannot give a rate of transmission by that way; the number is too little to be statistically significant! ).

So, take good time! Use your fingers! Use your tongue! Use your brain! Use your eyes! And, use and abuse the positions. You can:

Twist the penis, the clitoris, the breasts, the vagina, the anus, all the lips.

Massage, stroke, spank, pinch, press, rub.

Sometimes the tongue works better than fingers! Sometimes you can use the teeth or nipples.

Increase the pleasure by domination .by being dominated .or by interactivity.

Don't forget about your eyes! My God, the divine curve of your partner body, just that alone could be enough for ecstasy!.

Why not let gadgets add to the fun: a feather, 'techno dildos', lubricants, a piece of ice to tackle the nipples, a "cotton bud" for the ears: the Thais are the best of the world to reach the sky by their ears and, for less than 5 baht, at any Thai market, you can buy this sophisticated instrument specifically dedicated for such delicious "torture"!

Definitively, only someone mentally deficient and rustic is unable to find safe pleasure without condoms! And with condom? You can do anything, anything at all. but we know that it is not always so easy and we will have to speak about in another HIP magazine.


"Safe sex" in short

The extremity of penis, the vaginal area, the anus and wounds should never be in contact with the extremity of penis, the genital secretions, the blood and the wounds of a partner.

Some purists also suggest avoiding keeping genital secretions in the mouth or at least not to swallow them (the danger of HIV transmission is extremely low in such occurrence)

Condoms, abstinence or safe sex rules (see the table) are the best way to avoid HIV. Statistics proof that confidence in faithfulness is NOT a safe attitude. nor alcohol before intercourse!


(Published first time in HIP magazine











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