- There are 70 beds for the patients in terminal phase. 3 distinct wards. 1 more ward for the patients who are not autonomous but are not in "terminal phase". There are also cottages for the HIVpositive patients who are still valid but unable to be reintegrate in social life.
- More than 500 patients die each year in Wat PhraBatNamPhu, ( meaning an average between one and two deaths per day)
- The average of ages of the dying patients is about 30 years old. The big majority has between 25 and 35 years. There are only a few children because there are send to another project (connect with Wat PhraBatNamPhu) if they are not yet in final step.
- There are more men than women who enter to the hospice.
- Big majority of the patients contracted AIDS by sexual way. The former prostitutes are rare. The former drug addicts a little bid less rare. The women who got aids by the "normal" and "licit" relations with husband are the majority of the women who are dying in our hospice.
- Nearly all patients die without being accompanied by a relative. Each year it is worse
now (2002) less than one for ten receive a visit from relative. In the wards there are only patients, workers and the passage of " tourists " who are also the donors who allow institution to continue to give free cares.
- The hospice, which is also a Buddhist monastery, do not receive any financial support from state. Electricity, pampers, food, water, medicines, oxygen (...) all, absolutely all, depends on the regular work of the abbot Phra Krou Athonphratchanat to find funds.
- A few volunteers are working free in wards. Majority of them come from Europe and Japan.